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Chapter 4: Impacts of biological invasions on nature, nature’s contributions to people, and good quality of life. In: Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Roy, H. E., Pauchard, A., Stoett, P., and Renard Truong, T. (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7430731
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Drivers of change. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, pp: 59-180, ISBN: 978-2-9577416-0-1 https://www.medecc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Rapport_MedECC_2_Drivers-of-change.pdf
- Nentwig W, Mebs D, Vilà M. 2017
Impacts of Non-Native Animals and Plants to Human Health. In: Vilà M & Hulme PE (eds) Impact of biological invasions on ecosystem services. Springer, Heidelberg
- Vilà M, Hulme PE. 2017
Non-native species, ecosystem services and human well-being. In: Vilà M, Hulme PE (eds) Impact of biological invasions on ecosystem services. Springer, Heidelberg
- Hulme PH, Vilà M. 2017
Integrating the Impacts of Non-Native Species on Ecosystem Services into Environmental Policy. In: Vilà M & Hulme PE (eds) Impact of biological invasions on ecosystem services. Springer, Heidelberg
- Vilà M, Rohr RP, Espinar JL, Hulme PE, Pergl J, Le Roux JJ, Schaffner U & Pyšek P. 2016
Plant Traits Associated with Impact on Native Plant Species Richness 2016. En: Wilson, J.R., Panetta, F.D. & Lindgren, C. Detecting and responding to alien plant incursions. Cambridge University Press. Ecology, Biodiversity, and Conservation Series. pp. 266 (ISBN: 9781107095601) PDF
- Vilà M, González-Moreno P & Montero-Castaño A. 2015
Las invasiones biológicas bajo un escenario de cambio global. En Herrero A y Zavala MA (eds) Los bosques y la biodiversidad frente al cambio climático: Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación en España, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Pp 313-318. PDF
- Nora SV, JP González-Varo, RG Albaladejo, M Vilà y A Aparicio. 2013 ¿Qué podemos aprender de un área tan secularmente alterada como el valle del Guadalquivir? En: Martín J, Fernández L & Urios G Los bosques isla en Andalucía. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Junta de Andalucía, 192 pp. Sevilla. PDF
- Andreu J. & M. Vilà. 2013.
Amenazas de las plantas invasoras sobre los ecosistemas de ribera. En: Doblas E. Conservar aprovechando. Cómo integrar el Cambio Global en la gestión de los montes españoles. Ed. CREAF, Bellaterra. Pp 81-83. PDF
- Vilà M., N. Roura-Pascual, J. Andreu, P. González-Moreno & D. Sol. 2013.
Introducción de especies invasoras. En: Doblas E. Conservar aprovechando. Cómo integrar el Cambio Global en la gestión de los montes españoles. Ed. CREAF, Bellaterra. Pp. 55-62. PDF
- Vilà M.
Cortaderia selloana. En: Invasive Species Compendium. CAB International, Wallingford.
- Vilà M. 2011
Prickly pear cacti, a spiny issue. En: Nentwig W. Weird conquerors – invasive plants and animals in Europe. Ed. Haupt-Natur, Bern. Pp: 57-64.
- Pyšek P., P. E. Hulme, W. Nentwig & M. Vilà. 2011.
DAISIE Project. En: Simberloff D. & M. Rejmánek. Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species. University of California Press, Berkeley. Pp: 138-142.
[GR1]Retitled for consistency with a similar entry: SCOPE Project. The explanation for the abbreviation DAISIE becomes immediately apparent in the first paragraph.
- Pyšek P., M. Chytrÿ J. Wild, J. Pino, L.C. Maskell & M. Vilà. 2010
Mapping Invasion by Alien Plants in Europe. En: Settele et al. Atlas of Biodiversity in Europe. Pensoft, Sofia. Pp: 146-147. PDF
- Vilà, M., I. Bartomeus, A. Dietzsch, T. Petanidou, I. Steffan-Dewenter, J. Stout y T. Tscheulin. 2010
Mapping plant-invader integration into plant-pollinator networks. En: Settele et al. Atlas of Biodiversity in Europe. Pensoft, Sofia. Pp: 210-211. PDF
- Hulme P., W. Nentwig, P. Pyšek y M. Vilà. 2010
How to deal with invasive species? - A proposal for Europe. En: Settele et al. Atlas of Biodiversity in Europe. Pensoft, Sofia. Pp: 165-166. PDF
- Hulme P., W. Nentwig, P. Pyšek y M. Vilà. 2010
DAISIE: Delivering alien invasive species inventories for Europe. En: Settele et al. Atlas of Biodiversity in Europe. Pensoft, Sofia. Pp: 134-135. PDF
- Hulme P., M. Vilà, W. Nentwig y P. Pyšek. 2010
Are the aliens taking over? Invasive species and their increasing impact on biodiversity. En: Settele et al. Atlas of Biodiversity in Europe. Pensoft, Sofia. Pp: 132-133. PDF
- Vilà M y García-Berthou E. 2010
Monitoring biological invasions in freshwater habitats. En: C. Hurford, M. Schneider and I.G. Cowx (eds) Conservation monitoring in freshwater habitats - a practical guide and case studies. Pp: 91-100. pringer, Dordrecht, Netherlands 410 p. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/ecology/book/978-1-4020-9277-0. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9277-0. PDF
- Hulme P., W. Nentwig, P. Pyšek y M. Vilà. 2009
Common market, shared problems: Time for a coordinated response to biological invasions in Europe? En: Pyšek P. & Pergl. J. (eds). Biological Invasions: Towards a Synthesis. Neobiota 8: 3 -19 PDF
- Vilà M., C. Basnou, M., Gollash S., Josefsson y Perl J. y R. Scalera. 2009
Hundred of the most invasive alien species in Europe. En: P. Hulme, W. Netwig, P. Pysek & M. à (eds.). Handbook of alien species in Europe. Springer, Dordrecht. Pp. 265-268. PDF
- Hulme P.E., G. Brundu, I. Camarda, P. Dalias, P. Lambdon, F. Lloret, F. Medail, E. Moragues, C. Suehs, A. Traveset, A. Troumbis & M. Vilà. 2007
Assessing the risks to Mediterranean islands ecosystems from non-native plant introductions. In: B. Tokarska-Guzik, G. Brundu & J.H. Brock, L.E. Child, P. Pysek & C. Daehler (eds.). Plant invasions, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden Pp 39-56 PDF
- Maron J & M. Vilà. 2007
Exotic Plants in an Altered Enemy Landscape: Effects on Enemy Resistance. In: J. Kelley & J. Tilmon (eds.). Specialization, speciation, and radiation - The evolutionary biology of herbivorous insects, University of California Press Pp. 280-295 PDF
- Hulme P.E., G. Brundu, I. Camarda, P. Dalias, P. Lambdon, F. Lloret, F. Medail, E. Moragues, C. Suehs, A. Traveset, A. Troumbis & M. Vilà. 2007
Assessing the risks to Mediterranean islands ecosystems from non-native plant introductions. In: B. Tokarska-Guzik, G. Brundu & J.H. Brock, L.E. Child, P. Pysek & C. Daehler (eds.). Plant invasions, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden Pp 1-27 PDF
- Vilà, M. y J. Pino. 2006
Diversidad de la flora exótica española. En: F. García Novo, F. Díaz Pineda & A. Gómez Sal (coords). Diversidad biológica y biodiversidad. Ed. Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid. Pp. 167-172.
- Vilà, M., J.D. Corbin, J.S. Dukes, J. Pino & S.D. Smith. 2006
Linking plant invasions to environmental change.In: J. Canadell, D. Pataki, L. Pitelka. Terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world. Springer, Berlin. Pp. 115-124. PDF
- Vilà M., P. Inchausti, J. Vayreda, O. Barrantes, C. Gracia, J. Ibáñez & T. Mata. 2005
Confounding factors of the association between tree diversity and stemwood production. In: C. Körner, E.D. Schulze & M. Scherer-Lorenzen. The functional significance of forest diversity. Springer, Berlin. Pp. 65-86. PDF
- Díaz S., D. Tilman, J. Fargione, F. Stuart Chapin III, G.C. Daily, R. Dirzo, M. Galetti, T. Kitzberger, B. Gemmill, M. Zobel, M. Vilà, C. Mitchell, A. Wilby, G.C. Daily, M. Galetti, W.F. Laurance, J. Pretty, R. Naylor, A. Power & D. Harvell. 2005
Biodiversity regulation of ecosystem services. In: R. Hassan, R. Scholes & N. Ash. Ecosystems and human well-being. Volume I: Current state and trens. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - Conditions and Trends. Pp. 297-330.
- Vilà, M. 2002
Amenazas de las invasiones biológicas a la biodiversidad. En: F. Valladares (ed.). Ciencia & Medio Ambiente. Segundas Jornadas científicas sobre medio ambiente del CCMA-CSIC. Ed. CCMA-CSIC, Madrid.
- Bengtsson J., K. Engelhart, P. Giller, S. Hobbie, D. Lawrence, J. Levine, M. Vilà, J. Weiner & V. Wolters. 2002
Slippin' and slidin' between the scales: the scaling components of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relations. In: Loreau, M.S. Naem & P. Inchausti. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Vilà M. 2001
Causas y consecuencias de las invasiones biológicas. In: R. Zamora & F. Pugnaire (eds.). Ecosistemas mediterráneos: análisis funcional. Textos Universitarios: 32. CSIC y Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Ed. Castillo y Edisart S. L., Madrid.
- Vilà M & Gimeno I. 2001
Patterns of invasion of two exotic prickly-pear cacti in abandoned olive orchards. In: G. Brundu (eds.). Plant invasions. Backhuks, Leiden.
- Vilà M. & J. Pujadas. 2001
Socio-economic parameters influencing plant invasions in Europe and North Africa. In: J.A. McNeely (ed.). The great reshuffling: human dimensions in invasive alien species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK.
- Hulme P., M. Crawley, A. Hofgaard, B. Huntley, P. Lurz, M. O'Connell, S. Rushton, U. Schaffner, M. Sykes, M. Vilà, A. Watt & S. Willis. 2000
Alien species and outbreaking species in ecosystems. In: M.A Sutton, J.M. Moreno, W.H. Van der Putten & S. Struwe (eds.). Terrestrial Ecosystems Research in Europe: successes, challenges & policy. European Commision, Brussels.
- Weber E., M. Vilà, M. Albert & C.M. D'Antonio. 1998
Invasion by hybridization: Carpobrotus in coastal California. In: U. Starfinger, K. Edwards, I. Kowarik & M. Williamson (eds.). Plant invasions: ecological mechanisms and human responses. Backhuks, Leiden.
- Vilà M., F. Lloret & J. Terradas. 1991
Neighbourhood effects on Erica multiflora resprouting after fire and clipping. In: A. Teller, P. Mathy & J. N. R. Jeffers (eds.). Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes. Ed. Elsevier Science Publishers.
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